One School. One Mission.
Accepting applications for Grades K-8
MISSION: We will provide a moral and rigorous education to a diverse student body, accomplished in a hands-on, technology infused educational environment that embraces differentiated instruction and individual attention that will allow our students to attend college, while developing a commitment to global citizenship, environmental sustainability, and personal virtue.
Grades K-8
685 Students
120 Staff
1 Mission

Philip’s Academy Charter School of Paterson is committed to helping its young men and women build a strong foundation for life. At Philip’s Academy, learning is natural and exciting. It happens everywhere, inside and outside of the classroom. With love and support, teachers encourage students to reach beyond their limits.

While teaching the academic curriculum, educators instill a hunger and determination in students encouraging them to forge their own life path and make their dreams come true.

Philip’s Academy Charter School of Paterson was established in 2016 with 60 kindergarten students, who were selected by lottery. In 2017, with the initial group of 60 students moving on to first grade, 75 new kindergartners were welcomed to Philip’s. Each year, the school will expand one more grade until it is a full K-8 school.