Lottery Results
Currently accepting application for students in grade K-8.
The enrollment lottery is a public event. Parents are welcome to attend; however, attendance does not award any preference or weight in the enrollment lottery. Results of the lottery will be posted to this page by 12:00 PM, the day following the lottery.
Philip’s Academy serves all students in the city of Paterson, including students with disabilities and multi-language learning needs.
Results from the lottery for the 2025-2026 academic year are available below. These results are valid for one year and will be null and void as of the drawing of the lottery for academic year 2025-2026. Please note: A new application must be submitted for each annual enrollment cycle as lottery results are only valid for one year.
For any questions about the lottery, please send an email to and a member of our enrollment team will be happy to assist you!
Lottery Results:
2025-2026 Results
Please find the results of the lottery below
2024-2025 Results
Please find the results of the lottery below
Lottery Results:
2023-2024 Results
Please find the results of the lottery below:
2022-2023 Results
Please find the results of the lottery below:
2022 - 2023 Results by Grade
Please find the results of the lottery below:
First Grade Acceptances and Wait List
Second Grade Acceptances and Wait List
Third Grade Acceptances and Wait List